Gluten Free and Dairy Free (Duh it’s vegan) best vegan butternut squash soup.

What The Heck….
My neighbor gave me some butternut squash from his garden. They were beautiful but I never think of using them. They fall in the same category as sweet potatoes. Never that excited but always happy when I eat them.
Boy Was I Wrong…This is a soup a carnivore would love
They were so beautiful I used them as a nice fall decoration in my kitchen. Then I thought maybe I better use them before the are too old. So I looked up some recipes and I combined two with two different recipes and two different curries. I added a few touches and it was soooo good I will make it again and again and maybe with sweet potatoes.

The Curries…
This recipe calls for two curries but you could go with one and it would still be good but not as good. I used a Thai red curry and a madras curry. The Thai curry gave it a brightness of lime leaf and chilies and the Madras gave it an earthiness.
Just an F.Y.I.
Thai red curry is one of the only vegan Thai curries!1 So check the labels most contain some kind of fermented shrimp paste.
- For the Thai Curry I like Maesri over Mae Ploy. May Ploy is to salty. Read a good comparison here. Mae Anong is good too. Forget Thai Kitchen.
- For the Madras style curry I like the Vietnamese brands. They seem brighter and that is probably because of the Vietnamese cinnamon which is my favorite.
- Lastly and most important is that the curries need to be tempered in the oil. I sauté the Thai curry for about a minute then ad the madras for 10 seconds.
- Big tip!! Use the vegetarian seasoning for salt. A pantry must! See below.👇
- Save the seeds and roast them for garnish.

Lets Do It
Peel seed and cut up the squash in chunks, it doesn’t matter how you cut it because your gonna blend it. Start the curries, add onions and garlic, then the squash, the liquids, salt (or vegan seasoning), sugar, blend. It is really that simple.

It is that simple but..
Spend a few minutes on each step and boil until the squash is tender. Blending can be tricky. If you have an immersion blender go ahead. If you are using a blender let it cool down unless you are very confident. Be Careful!

A Pantry Must!!!!
Above is one brand there are many. It is basically a dehydrated mushrooms. It is like a vegetable base but with no MSG and tons of umami!!!You can buy it at Asian grocery stores or online. It is even good enough for meat dishes.

Try this other great vegan recipe. 30 minute vegan pho!

Curry Vegan Butternut Squash Soup

Two Curries and coconut milk make this gluten free vegan soup POP!
- 2 tbsp neutral oil
- 1 tbsp Thai red curry
- 1.5 tbsp Madras Curry (I like Vietnamese yellow curry (see above))
- 1/2 cup onion diced
- 1 butternut squash diced (peel and scrape out seeds, SAVE SEEDS!)
- 1 can coconut milk
- 2 cups vegetable broth or water (I used water and vegetable seasoning that I get at the Asian market. It is a pantry must. It replaces salt and MSG and give a big umami taste)
- 1 tsp brown sugar
- salt to taste
Heat oil over medium heat. Add onions and the curries and stir for about a minute to soften the onions and temper the curries. Add the garlic and stir for 10 seconds.
add the butternut squash and stir for about a minute
add the rest of the ingredients and boil until the squash is very tender
time to blend and adjust salt. If you have an immersion blender blend it until silky smooth. If you have an upright blender it may be better to let the soup cool before blending.
Thanks but I took the photo. Glad you like it.