This is the best pierogi with sour cream dough. It is like the sour cream dough my Grandma made and the potato, bacon, cheese filling is the best

What Is A Pierogi
Pierogi is a stuffed dumpling. In my opinion they are savory although I see dessert pierogis on the internet but I have never seen them in real life and I don’t really want to. The pierogi is most often associated with the cuisine of Central and Eastern European nations. Wikipedia
There are many versions and fillings. Some popular fillings are farmers cheese, potato, sauerkraut, and some meat fillings. I used a sour cream dough and a potato, bacon, and cheese filling.
They are usually served with sautéed onions in butter and sour cream

Pierogi Memories
So many beautiful memories.
First is Grandma Bobel the person who got me interested in cooking (along with Julia Child), she taught me many Polish recipes including pierogis which were a lifesaver in college.
Not only did she teach me how to cook a great cheap meal, she would also send me back to college with 5 or 6 dozen frozen pierogis. She lived to be 100 years old and made pierogis at the church well into her 90’s.
Second are the memories of Christmas. Christmas was always a Polish feast with Kielbasa and sauerkraut, stuffed cabbage, and pierogis. Lots of Christmas memories and lots of leftovers to take home.
Third memory was college. No Kraft mac and cheese for us, well maybe a little because for a couple bucks back then I could feed 4 of us dinner with potato pierogis. More money for beer and bars.

The Dough$$
This dough is money! Many years ago my Grandma gave me a 3 by 5 card with her dough recipe. I lost it but I did remember there was only one egg and sour cream in the recipe. I found a recipe online and it was what remember.
There are many dough recipes. Some with more eggs, no sour cream, with cream cheese etc… This one is my favorite recipe!
Beat one egg, add 1 cup of water, 1/4 cup of sour cream, and 1 tsp of salt. Mix it together well. Add 3 cups of all purpose flour. Mix it and kneed it until smooth. Let sit for 1/2 hour.

The dough should be a little tacky so flour the surface you are rolling on. Cut off some dough and start rolling. Flip and flour as needed but try to use a little flour as possible because to much flour will make them tough.
Roll it out to a little less than 1/8 of an inch. I used a glass and cut out approximately 3 inch circles. Save the extra dough so you can reroll it.

The Filling
There are many fillings you can use. I used potato, bacon, scallion, and cheese .because very simple, not fussy, and I had bacon and green onion to get rid of.
Peel and boils a couple large russet potatoes until soft like for mashed potatoes.
Fry 4 slices of bacon in a pan until crisp. Remove the bacon and add a couple tablespoons of butter to the bacon grease. Add boiled potatoes, grated cheese, chopped scallion.
Mash the potatoes and add salt and pepper to taste. Chop bacon and add half. Save the rest for serving.

Roll potato mixture into 3/4 to 1 inch ball. Pick up the cut out dough discs in the palm of your hand. Place a potato ball in the middle and pull and pinch the dough around it.
If the dough has a lot of flour you may need to moisten to make sure you have a nice seal.

Cook and…..
Boils water to poach the pierogis. If you have to ask how much water this is above your skill level. Drop pierogis in a few at a time until they float.

There are many ways to serve and I listed a few below. These pierogis were fried in butter w/ onion then served with sour cream, chopped bacon, dill, and scallion.
Ways to serve
- Fry onions in butter until golden an mix in freshly boiled pierogi, serve with sour cream
- For a large batch, bake with butter and browned onions, garnish with scallion and serve with sour cream.
- My favorite is to fry the pierogi in butter with browned onions and serve with scallion and sour cream.
A great video. I use less egg because it didn’t need 3 eggs to hold together. Love her!!!
Try This Awesome Recipe With Your Pierogi
The best stuffed cabbage. Make it a day early and DON’T COOK YOUR RICE FIRST!!!! Special tips right from Grandma

Sour Cream Pierogi Dough

This is an easy and great pierogi recipe. This is the dough my Grandma used and it is easy to work with.
Sour Cream Dough
- 3 cups flour
- 1 tsp salt
- 1/4 cup sour cream
- 1 large egg
- 1 cup water
Beat egg then mix everything together except the flour
add flour and kneed into a smooth ball. 5 minutes.
let rest 30 minutes. You are good to go!